H.E. Mar Joseph Kallarangattu
The activities of the Pala Social Welfare Society, which has been providing relief to thousands of people, are multifaceted and diverse. We live in a society where there is a plethora of wounded and helpless whereas a good Samaritan is rare. Real social work begins where the needs of the people become our needs. The great philosopher Martin Boober in his book "I thou relationships” shares the idea of "I am becoming you", be the driving force to the Society.
It is a great pleasure to know that the PSWS effectively intervenes in farmers' welfare programme and tries to bring back the Agri-oriented culture and works for the upliftment of the marginalized and voiceless. The tireless efforts of a great team led by Fr. Thomas Kizhakkel have been the best and I am wishing all the success to the Father and his colleagues.

Rev.Fr. Thomas Kizhakkel
President & Director
The Palai Social Welfare Society has passed through another successful year. As part of the Bishop’s vision to observe this year as the farmers’ year, we have been able to organize various schemes and programs and to organize various relief plans in the context of Covid-19. With dignity of the scripture “If anyone forces you to go one mile go also the second mile” (Matthew 5:41) the PSWS is committed to provide additional energy and resources for the voiceless and those who are neglected. Over the years we have been able to form karshakadalams / federations and value-added agricultural product units, and it is a proud achievement of the Society.
I take this opportunity to thank our Bishop Mar Joseph Kallarangatt our Patron, Mar Jacob Murickan, Msgr. Sebastian Vethanath and the honourable SS directors and sisters for their valuable guidance and encouragement. I, with PSWS team thankfully remember the great efforts of Rev. Fr. Mathew Pullukalayil who captained the Pala Social Welfare Society for past five years and he left strong footprints which made my journey effortless. His humble and sincere efforts are always worth remembering. Last not the least I greatfully remember Rev. Msgr. Abraham Kollithanathumalayil who guided us during past years with added vigour and energy.
In this context I with all respect and gratitude remember the selfless service of Sr. Annie Poriyathu ASI who led the team with smilting face. I thank Akash Thengumpallil, Tins Joy and Therese Alex for their sincere work and wish them all the very best. It is worth noting that the cooperation of various institutions and agencies like SAFP, CHAI, Caritas India, KRWSA, NABARD etc. I also thankfully remember the cooperation given by all staffs, colleagues, promoters and SHG members at each parish level. I am grateful to all those who have been able to cooperate with PSWS and I ask the same for the coming years.