Bijily and family were living in a tarpaulin sheet covered shed without any basic facilities of life for many years. The family consists of Bijily her husband, two little children and father –in –law. Bijily’s family achieved considerable progress in their life as a partner family of the Save A Family Plan. They could start various business initiatives with the fund and they expanded it timely to earn more income. The awareness classes and the skill development trainings changed their perceptions about the future. They accessed government funds for the partial construction of their house and for latrine construction, for the installation of the water connection they used FDP fund. Being educated women Bijily was able to start a tuition center with the support of SAFP. Bijily was also able to start a goat rearing unit. Thus, she could contribute a good level of income for the family’s all-round progress. She now works as a SHG office holder which helps her to earn a decent part time work in a semi- governmental financial institution recently.

Molly Devsia
This is success story of Molly Devsia after being a partner family of the Save a Family Plan. At the time of selection, she was a widow with a little son with no income sources as any. They were living in a partially built non livable house without any basic facilities. PSWS recognized this family and selected this family for the Family Development Program of the SAFP. By using the monthly fund through the program Molly started goat rearing, crop cultivations and completed the house constructions. She was also able to provide technical education to her son Binu. During the past six years the gradual changes they achieved are tremendous and wonderful. Now they are living in a beautiful furnished house with all the necessary facilities. She is managing the family needs decently as she has regular income from her small business initiatives and recently God blessed her with a job in a governmental department as a peon. Her son is working in an automobile work shop and earning a regular income. The family is thankful to their donor, the Save a Family Plan and to the PSWS for their great guidance and intervention.