The Official Social work Organization of the Diocese of Palai

Registration No.K16/64

The Palai Social Welfare Society (PSWS) is the result of the foresightedness of our late beloved Bishop Mar Sebastian Vayalil, the first Bishop of the diocese of Palai, for the upliftment of the people. It is an apolitical, secular voluntary organization, established in the year 1964

and registered under Travancore Cochin Literacy Scientific and Charitable Society’s Act of 1955, which constituted as a Charitable Organization. PSWS is also registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and has Income Tax Exemption under 12A.

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The society is committed, since its very inception, to the cause of the marginalized sections of the society regardless of their caste, creed, community and sex. It is engaged in a process towards their socio-economic and political empowerment and sustainable development. Its interventions are geared towards building critical mass/ critical consciousness, community organization, community /integral health, sanitation and personal hygiene, gender sensitization and women’s emancipation, utmost use and management of solar and renewable energy, upholding control over and eco-friendly effective management of natural resources and so on.

People’s issues, needs and rights have constituted the driving force behind all its initiatives. The agency facilitates community action toward the fulfilment of basic amenities and creation of household and community assets. It has adopted Self Help Group Approach to a holistic development of society. It does boost community initiatives for tapping into the government resources and provisions meant for them.

The major beneficiaries of our concern are nearly twenty thousand people whom spread over three districts of Kerala – Kottayam, Idukki, and Ernakulam. The Society is well connected to the people in the grassroots level through the 1200 Self Help Groups for Women / Men and hence the Society is able to understand and help whenever there is a necessity.


Creation of a self-reliant society based on human values and social justice.


Liberation of the poor and marginalized through a process of empowerment.


To engage in social activities to improve the living condition and general welfare of the weaker section of the society, irrespective of caste, creed, community, and sex.


  • Objectives

    To promote the formation and strengthening of community based organizations

    To promote collectivism and voluntarism among target group

    To faciptate the sharing of information, recourses and skills of development

    To promote the social movements against exploitations

    To organize participatory learning, analysis and document its funding

    To faciptate the participation of women and marginapzed in the development process

    To promote agricultural development

    To initiate employment generation programmes

    To promote saving and credit programmes

    To popularize participatory planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation system at various level

    To avail appropriate development schemes (housing, sanitation, drinking water programmes etc.) to needy

    To promote entrepreneurship among men/women especially among agriculturists.

PSWS Involvement

District 3
Block 13
Municipality 3
Villages 45
Grama Panchayat 46