AGRIMA Open Market is supported by NABARD in which farmers can sell and buy their agricultural produces and valueadded products in higher rates than in the normal markets. Due to severe price reduction of farm produces and exploitation of intermediaries in the agricultural marketing sector, a comprehensive marketing strategy is planned by the Agrima Karshaka Sangham. Organic and homemade products are directly collected from the farmers and are marketed in our open market to attain premium price and healthy vegetables. In the year 2019- 20 the market operated twice in a week. During the year 404 farmers became the members of Agrima Karshaka Sangham and they could earn sufficient income from the sales of their home-grown agricultural produces and vegetables. Thousands of households and institutions in the locality were able to buy fresh organic agricultural produces and value-added products. To sum up Agrima open market shines as a star in Pala for organic products.

The Palai Social Welfare Society with the support of NABARD, Coconut Development Board, CTCRI, KVK, State Disaster Management Authority, Department of Agriculture, State Horticulture Mission, Fisheries Department, Livestock Management Training Institute, Industries Department and Irrigation Department organized the Mega Event of Karshika Mela and Agri-Technology exhibition at Pala from 27th November to 1st December 2019 on the slogan “Agricultural Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development”. More than 1200 SHG’s and 350 Karshaka Dhalam members, including the members of the Farmers’ Clubs, together contributed their time, energy and resources especially the produces from their farms, to exhibit their stalls in an eye-catching manner. Mar. Joseph Pallickaparambil, Bishop Emeritus of Palai Dioceses inaugurated the exhibition at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 27th November 2019.
The official inaugural ceremony of Karshika Mela started at 3.30 p.m. on the stage specially designed for it in front of the exhibition stalls. Rev. Fr. Mathew Pullukalayil, Director, PSWS, made welcome speech. Sri. Mani C Kappan MLA, Sri. P C George MLA and Sri. Mons Joseph MLA inaugurated the Karshika Mela and Agri Technology exhibition by lightening the lamp. His Excellency Mar Joseph, Kallarangattu, Hon. Bishop, Diocese of Palai presided over the function. Sri. Sebastian Kulathumkal, President District Panchayath Kottayam, Fr. George Vettikkattil, Director Kerala Social Service Forum, Smt. K.B Divya, District Development Manager NABARD Kottayam, Fr. Mathew Chandrankunnel, Managing Director Rastra deepika, K.J Philip Kuzhikulam, Ex. President District cooperative bank, Boss Joseph, Principal Agriculture officer Kottayam delivered the felicitation.
As the day was observed as “Swasraya Dinam” (The Day of Self-sufficiency), there was a seminar arranged on “value added products from Jackfruits”. Eminent resource person from KVK Pathanamthitta Mrs. Dr. Shana Harshan, subject matter specialist led the class with the support of audio-visual aid. Msngr. Sebastian Vethanath presided over the inauguration of the seminar and Mr. Vakkachan Mattathil, Ex. M P inaugurated the seminar program.
The second day of Karshika Mela & Agri Technology exhibition was observed as “Samrambhakatha Dinam” (The Day of Entrepreneurship). There was a seminar on value addition of tapioca led by Dr. M.S Sajeev, Principal Scientist CTCRI Trivandrum. The seminar inaugurated by Sri. Joy Abraham Ex. M.P which was presided over by Fr. Joseph Thazhathuvarikkayil, former Asst. Director, PSWS. Thereafter from 1.30 p.m. onwards different competitions such as push up, cycle slow race, bald, margamkali, nadampattu were conducted.
The day was also the last day of the Karshika Mela with concluding ceremony at 5.30 p.m. inaugurated by Sri. Jose K Mani M.P. Mnsgr. Joseph Kuzhinjalil presided over the function. Rev. Fr. Mathew Pullikalayil, Director PSWS, made welcome speech. There was also, prize distribution for winners of various competitions were distributed by Sri. Jose K Mani M P. There was also karaoke ganamela led by INFARM Director Fr. Jose Tharappel after the meeting. The 6th State level Karshika Mela, came to an end with this concluding function. Mr. Joy Madikankal, Staff Secretary, PSWS delivered the vote of thanks.